INNER LIGHT International Studio of Lighting Design

by Artist Vitaliy Yermolayev


Course of meditative painting for nonprofessionals

  • Course duration: 1 hour
  • Euro 40

Basic Courses of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT

(for adults)

  • 7 days
  • Euro 700 + Euro 120 for material

Drawing courses INNER LIGHT for children

  • 1 lesson – 1 hour
  • Euro 15

Individual lesson

The creation of the painting in cooperation with artist

  • 1 lesson - 1-1.5 hours
  • Euro 40*

*charge depends from the sizes of the painting

Master-classes of the luminous painting

(не менее 5 человек)

  • 1 lesson- 2 hours
  • Euro 40

Course of meditative painting for nonprofessionals

  • Session of art therapy – dreaming hall: traveling from daily trivialities to the world of beauty, the unique opportunity to pass away from conventionalities
  • Observation of the luminous paintings: diving into happiness; observation of the dreams and fantasies; researching of the symbols and latent associations
  • Music of dreams and fantasies
  • Independent creation of the pictures based on individual associations and with employing of the shining colors.(The created picture becomes your property)
  • 1 lesson – 1 hour
  • Euro 15

Basic Courses of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT for adults

Day 1

  • Basic course (1st lesson – 2 hours)
  • Luminous painting, its particulars and potentialities;
  • Patent for the composition of reflective paints INNER LIGHT
  • Trademark of INNER LIGHT
  • The use of luminous paintings in architecture, design, interior;
  • Art therapy and theatre of luminous paintings.
  • Artistic techniques of light painting (2nd lesson – 2 hours)
  • Glazing

Day 2

  • Art techniques of luminous painting (2 lessons – 2 hours each)
  • Two-layer paint application

Day 3

  • Art techniques of luminous painting (2 lessons – 2 hours each)
  • Pointillism in luminous paintings

Day 4

  • Art techniques of luminous painting (2 lessons – 2 hours each)
  • Sprinkling and aerography

Day 5

  • Composition (2 lessons – 2 hours each)

Day 6

  • Independent writing of a luminous picture with the consultation of the artist

Day 7

  • Independent writing of a luminous picture with the consultation of the artist

Required materials

you can use your own or borrow from the painter for additional price

  • Ready canvases (primed) 2x 40x50 and 3 x 30x40
  • Reflective paint - a set of 6 colours
  • A set of brushes (5 pcs.)
  • Acrylic paints - set of ...... colors
  • Varnish - fixer
  • 7 days
  • Euro 700 + Euro 120 for material

The certificate

  • Certificate of fully completed course - included in the course price
  • The certificate for the right to use the patented technology of lighting art INNER LIGHT is issued to those who completed the courses for an additional fee
  • The ability to write a two-layer painting.
  • Ability to use reflective paints in paintings
  • The certificate cost: Euro 500

Drawing courses
INNER LIGHT for children

  • The development of children assiciative and kompositional thinking
  • Skills of the luminous paintings technique
  • Skills of the fantasise expressions in children paintings

Materials:  you can use your own or borrow from the painter for additional fee

  • drawing album
  • paints: water colour, gouache, acryl (on your choice)
  • brushes

Luminous paints will be given by the painter.

  • 1 lesson – 1 hour
  • Euro 15

Individual lesson

The creation of the painting in cooperation with artist

Materials:  you can use your own or borrow from the painter for additional fee:

  • canvas
  • paints
  • luminous paints
  • brushes
  • the substance that connects colours-( is given by master).
  • 1 lesson - 1-1.5 hours
  • Euro 40*

*charge depends from the sizes of the painting


of the luminous painting

no less then 5 person

  • History and theory of fluorescent art
  • Unique opportunity of such technique
  • Demonstration of the skills of fluorescent art
  • 1 lesson- 2 hours
  • Euro 40