О художнике
Виталий Ермолаев
Виталий Ермолаев родился в Казани. Художественное образование получил в казанской художественной школе и художественном училище.
В 1973 г. окончил Академию художеств в Санкт-Петербурге, затем курс дизайна в Латвийской Академии художеств ( 1981 г).
С 1973 года живет и работает в Латвии.
Работы художника находятся в художественных коллекциях (Западная и Восточная Европа, Америка). Постоянная выставка светоживописи экспонируется в Юрмале в художественной галерее — Театре светящихся картин «INNER LIGHT”.
Художественная галерея — Театр светящихся картин «INNER LIGHT”- резиденция художника в г. Юрмале, и считается одной
из признанных достопримечательностей Латвии. Она расположена в доме художника,
построенном по его проекту.
Регулярно проводит мастер — классы в Риге и Юрмале, и на проводимых выставках в других странах и городах.
- 2018. Vilces muiža. Latvia.
- 03-04.2017 “Two beginning” – Project international: “Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT of Vitaliy Yermolayev: Paris,
- Strasbourg ( France), Tarragona (Barselona), Gandia ( Valensia) Spain.
- 2016-2017. Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT of Vitaliy Yermolayev. Valmiera City Museum, Lavia.
- 2016.Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT of Vitaliy Yermolayev. Tyumen, Russia.
- 2016 . Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT of Vitaliy Yermolayev. Bures sur Yvette, France.
- 2016. Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT ..And soul my”, Art gallery “Dresden”. Moscow.Russia.
- 2016. Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT ..And soul my”, Moskow, Theater «At the Nikitsky Gate». Moscow, Russia.
- 2015. Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT of Vitaliy Yermolayev, World Tatar Congress. Paris, France.
- 2015-2016. Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT ..And soul my”, Museum of the Millennium of Kazan. Kazan, Russia.
- 2015-1016.Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT of Vitaliy Yermolayev, Tervete, Latvia.
- 2015. Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT of Vitaliy Yermolayev. Liepaja, Latvia.
- 2014-2015. Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT ..And soul my”, Elagina-Ostrovsky Palace Museum. Sankt-Petersburg, Russia.
- 2004-2017.Theater of luminous painting INNER LIGHT, Art gallery „ART Residence INNER LIGHT” . A series of exhibition. Jurmala, Latvia.
- 2011-2014. Theater of luminous painting INNER LIGHT, Art gallery „Gleznu teatris”, Galleria Riga. Riga, Latvia.
- 2012- 2013. Art Gallery Theater of luminous painting”INNER LIGHT”. A series of exhibitions. Art Gallery “Templis”. Riga, Latvia.
- 2010-2015. Permanent exposition “Ships in Profound Depths of the Ocean” in the Town’s Museum of Jurmala, Jurmala, Latvia.
- 2013. Theater of luminous painting”INNER LIGHT” „E L’ANIMA MIA”, the State Museum of Aluksne. Aluksne, Latvia.
- 2013.Art gallery PLAZA. Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic.
- 2012. Art gallery Grand Hotel PUPP. Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic.
- 2011-2012. Musical-poetical theatrical play ‘And Heaven Opens for The Love…’ Directed according the poem of M.Lermontov
- ‘Demon’. Riga , Latvia
- 2011. Musical-poetical theatrical play ‘And Heaven Opens for The Love…’ Directed according the poem of M.Lermontov ‘Demon’
- 2nd international festival Cultural Dialog’. Trento, Italia.
- 2010. “…And My Soul’- Riga art space. Riga, Latvia.
- 2009. Theater of luminous painting”INNER LIGHT” „E L’ANIMA MIA”, Association France Bays Baltes. Cannes, France.
- 2009.Theater of luminous painting”INNER LIGHT” „E L’ANIMA MIA”, Galleria La Pigna (Vaticano), Unione Cattolica Artisti Italiani, .
- 2009.Vaticano.
- 2009-2010. Theater of luminous pictures”INNER LIGHT” „E L’ANIMA MIA”, Parrocchia di Santa Maria Assunta. A series of exhibitions. Positano, Italia.
- 2009- 2011. Theater of luminous pictures”INNER LIGHT” „E L’ANIMA MIA”. A series of exhibitions. Terracina, Italia.
- 2009. Theater of luminous pictures”INNER LIGHT” „E L’ANIMA MIA”. Palmanova, Italia.
- 2009-2010. Theatre of Luminous paintings ‘INNER LIGHT’ E „L’ANIMA MIA”: Karlovi Vari, Munchen, Shtuttgart, St. Petersburg, — Projekt international. A series of exhibitions.
- 2009.Theater of luminous painting ”INNER LIGHT” „E L’ANIMA MIA”, Cart-Wright of Peter and Paul Fortress, the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia.
- 2008.Theater of luminous paining ”INNER LIGHT”, Museum of the History of Religion, St.Petersburg, Russia.
- 2004-2017. „ Theater of luminous painting ”INNER LIGHT”of Vitaly Yermolajev”. ART Residence „Inner Light”. A series of exhibitions. Jurmala, Latvia.
- 2006. «Music of Silence» , Central ART House. Riga, Latvia.
- 2004. Theater of luminous paining ”INNER LIGHT”, Sloss Horst, Essen, Germany.
- 2003. “The House of the Blackheads”. Riga, Latvia.
- 2003. “Fluorescent Art of V. Yermolayev”,Art Gallery “Natalie Boldyreff. 2003. Paris, France.
- 2002. “Fluorescent Art of V. Yermolayev”, Gallery “Center-M”. Mosсow, Russia.
- 1998-2003. «Fluorescent Art of V. Yermolayev», Center of Fluorescent Art «Rezidence RP». A series of exhibitions. Riga, Latvia.
- 2000. “Fluorescent Art”, Gallery Radisson SAS Daugava-Templis. Riga, Latvia.
- 1997. ART Exhibition in TBF-group (Nissan). Riga, Latvia.
- 1997. “10 years by Artist Eyes” Gallery Radisson SAS Daugava-Templis. Riga, Latvia.
- 1997. “Bridge from Consciousness to Subconsciousness”, Pushkin Center, Antverpen, Belgium.
- 1995-1998.ART Gallery “Splendid Palace”. A series of exhibitions. Riga, Latvia.
- 1996.»Gaudi’s Women», Russian Theater. Tallinn ,Estonia.
- 1992-2013. Gallery «Templis». A series of exhibitions. Riga, Latvia.
- 1992. «I am You!», The House of Architectors. Riga, Latvia.
- 2018. ART FAIR Riga-2016, Riga, Latvia.
- 2017. ART FAIR Riga-2016, Riga, Latvia.
- 2016. ART FAIR Riga-2016, Riga, Latvia.
- 2016. Salon Art Shopping au Carrousel du Louvre. Paris, France.
- 2014. Salon du Design –CREA 2014, Nice, France.
- 2012. Russian Art festival in Berlin. Berlin, Germany.
- 2011. ART MONACO-11, Monte-Carlo, Monaco.
- 2008.International Festival of Light and synthetic theaters «LightShade», St.Petersburg, Russia.
- 1989- 2015″International Artdays » in Latvia, A series of exhibitions .Latvia.
- 2006-2008 “Buvniecibas pasaule -2006-2008” A series of exhibitions. International Exhibition, Olympic center, Riga, Latvia.
- 2006-2008 “THE WORLD OF CONSTRUCTION -2006-2008. International Exhibition, Olympic Center, Riga, Latvia.
- 2005. „The Comfort-2005” ”, International Exhibition Olympic SKONTO hall. Riga, Latvia. .
- 2004. „Kunsthschaufenster fūr Lettland” Sloss Horst, Essen, Germany.
- 2003 “The Autum-2003” Latvian National Art-Museum “Arsenal”.Riga, Latvia
- 2002. “Riga-Expo”, International Exhibition -2002.Mosсow, Russia.
- 2002.„The Comfort-2002”, International Exhibition, Olympic SKONTO hall, Riga, Latvia.
- 1998-2000. Exhibition cycle “Life Energy, 6 exhibitions:
- “Future -2000”, Radisson SAS Daugava-Templis, 1999. Riga, Latvia.
- “Energies of Cosmos”,Gallery Radisson SAS Daugava-Templis. 1998-1999.Riga, Latvia.
- 1998. “Baltars’98”. International Exhibition. Riga, Latvia.
- 1998 .“Energy of Music”, Gallery Radisson SAS Daugava-Templis.Riga, Latvia.
- 1998. “Energy of Spirit ”, Gallery Radisson SAS Daugava-Templis. Riga, Latvia.
- “Energies of Love”,Gallery Radisson SAS Daugava-Templis,. 1998.Riga, Latvia.
- 1997.“Russisch Festival” Hilton,Antverpen, Belgium.
- 1997.„Art — Forum”. Christmas Arts Fair-Auction. Riga, Latvia.
- 1997-1998. Die Welt-Realitat-Traum-durch die Sicht des Kunstlers. Gelsenkirhen –Buer.. Germany.
- 1997.Exhibition of Russian Artist’s Association of Latvija, Riga, Latvia.
- 1996.Exhibition “Diaspora”: Russian Culture Foundation, Riga, Latvia.
- 1995. Exhibition of Portraitpainter:Russian Culture Foundation, Riga, Latvia.
- 1995. “The Autumn Salon”:Russian Culture Foundation, Riga, Latvia.
- 1994. Exhibition of sacral art:St. Piter’s Cathedral, Riga, Latvia.
- 1994. Art festival “Riga – the small Paris”, Riga, , Latvia.
- 1992-2003.Gallery “Templis”, A series of exhibitions. Riga, Latvia,
- 1993-1994. Russian House:Warshaw, Poland.
- 1992.Kremlin Congress Hall. Mosсow, Russia.
- 1991-1998. “Free Art”, Project international. A series of exhibitions: Arnsberg, Welver, Brilon, Soest, Bonn, Belefeld, Gelsenkirhen, Germany.
- 1991. “Art-Myth”,Exhibition Hall “Manezh”, Mosсow, USSR.
- 1991. “Transformation”: gallery “ Ispanol Barrio”, Mosсow, USSR.
- 1991. “Gold Brush”: Central Artist House, Moscow USSR.
- 1991. «Transfiguration» — gallery «The Spanish Quarter», Moscow, USSR.
- 1989-1991. A series of exhibitions “Free Art”. Riga , USSR.
- Catalog of the exhibition » ART RIGA FAIR 2018″, 2018. Riga, Latvia.
- Catalog of the exhibition » ART RIGA FAIR 2017″, 2017. Riga, Latvia.
- Catalog of the exhibition » ART RIGA FAIR 2016″, 2016. Riga, Latvia. ISBN 978-9934-14-739-5.
- The magazine «Earthly Time» (Journal «Земное время»), 170 pages, 2016, N 2. Riga, Latvia.
- Catalog of the exhibition “… И ДУША МОЯ”,Виталий Ермолаев, 32 pages, 2014. St.Petersburg, Russia.
- Luxury . Real estate, Journal, N 3, 2013. Art Gallery ART Residence INNER LIGHT — Theater of glowing paintings by Vitaly Ermolaev. (Художественная галерея ART Residence INNER LIGHT — Театр светящихся картин Виталия Ермолаева). 2013. Riga, Latvia.
- The path of light is lost and found (Путь света — потерянный и обретенный). Journal “ Business Class” , ( Журнал «Бизнес Класс», 2010, N 3. Riga, Latvia.
- “ Mystery of the light”, Journal “ Business Class” , 2010. Riga, Latvia.
- Catalog of the exhibition “ Senza confine”, 80 pages, 2011. Trento, Italia.
- The catalog “… E L’ANIMA MIA”, 62 pages, 2009. Riga, Latvia.
- The catalog “Виталий Ермолаев. Светоживопись INNER LIGHT”, 50 pages, 2008. St.Petersburg, Russia.
- The catalog “Vitālijs Jermolajevs. Gaismas glezniecība, Luminous painting, Светоживопись “INNER LIGHT”” , 60 pages, 2008. Riga, Latvia.
Temple of inner light (Храм внутреннего света) . The magazine «Happy people» ( журнал «Счастливые люди», 2005, N 28. Riga, Latva. ISSN 1407-9526
Picturesque etudes about the sacraments of the soul. (Живописные этюды о таинствах души) Journal of the “Capitalist”, 2005-03. Riga, Latvia.
What kind of spiritual baggage does Europe bring to us? About our contribution of spiritual values to the human treasury of values. Journal of the “Capitalist”-2004-2005, 12. Riga, Latvia. ( Какой духовный багаж несет нам Европа? О нашем вкладе духовных цeнностей в человеческую копилку).
- In «separately taken space and time», or a small journey into the world of contemporary art (В «отдельно взятом пространстве и времени»,или Маленькое путешествие в мир современного искусства), Journal of the “Capitalist”, 2004, 9. Riga, Latvia.
- «I’m provoking dreams»- Interview to the magazine “Capitalist”-2004, 10-11. Riga, Latvia. (Я провоцирую мечты», — интервью Виталия Ермолаева журналу «Капиталист»).
- The catalog “George Gershwin – 100”. 30 pages. 1998. Riga, Latvia. ISBN 9984-592-39-1.
- The catalog “Art of diaspora. Paiting, Graphic Art, Sculpture”, 64 pages, 1996. Riga, Latvia.
- Office, Journal, 1997, N 4. Riga, Latvia.
- Office, Journal, 1996, N 12. Riga, Latvia.
- The catalog “Vitalijs Jermolajevs. TEMPLIS galerija”, 1993. Riga, Latvia.
- The catalog «Christmas Auction: All-Russia Fund of Culture». (Каталог «Рождественский аукцион. Всероссийский фонд культуры».) 94 pages, 1992. Moscow, Russia.
- Catalog of the exhibition «Transfiguration». (Каталог выставки » Преображение»), 1991. Moscow, USSR.