About artist
Vitaliy Yermolayev
Vitaliy Yermolayev was born in Kazan. He was educated at the Kazan Art School and College of Art. He graduated the St.Petersburg Academy of Arts in 1973.
Mr. Yermolayev also studied at the Department of Design of the Latvian Academy of Arts.
Since 1973 Vitaliys Yermolayevs has been living and working in Riga, in 2004 he moved to Jurmala, where he continues to work as the artist, architect and designer.
The author of the innovative technology Vitaly Yermolayev , Latvian Republic patent, Trademark INNER LIGHT.Has been working in the area of arts’ synthesis INNER LIGHT since the year of 1998.
- 2018. Vilces muiža. Latvia.
- 03-04.2017 “Two beginning” – Project international: “Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT of Vitaliy Yermolayev: Paris,
- Strasbourg ( France), Tarragona (Barselona), Gandia ( Valensia) Spain.
- 2016-2017. Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT of Vitaliy Yermolayev. Valmiera City Museum, Lavia.
- 2016.Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT of Vitaliy Yermolayev. Tyumen, Russia.
- 2016 . Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT of Vitaliy Yermolayev. Bures sur Yvette, France.
- 2016. Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT ..And soul my”, Art gallery “Dresden”. Moscow.Russia.
- 2016. Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT ..And soul my”, Moskow, Theater “At the Nikitsky Gate”. Moscow, Russia.
- 2015. Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT of Vitaliy Yermolayev, World Tatar Congress. Paris, France.
- 2015-2016. Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT ..And soul my”, Museum of the Millennium of Kazan. Kazan, Russia.
- 2015-1016.Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT of Vitaliy Yermolayev, Tervete, Latvia.
- 2015. Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT of Vitaliy Yermolayev. Liepaja, Latvia.
- 2014-2015. Theater of luminous paintings INNER LIGHT ..And soul my”, Elagina-Ostrovsky Palace Museum. Sankt-Petersburg, Russia.
- 2004-2017.Theater of luminous painting INNER LIGHT, Art gallery „ART Residence INNER LIGHT” . A series of exhibition. Jurmala, Latvia.
- 2011-2014. Theater of luminous painting INNER LIGHT, Art gallery „Gleznu teatris”, Galleria Riga. Riga, Latvia.
- 2012- 2013. Art Gallery Theater of luminous painting”INNER LIGHT”. A series of exhibitions. Art Gallery “Templis”. Riga, Latvia.
- 2010-2015. Permanent exposition “Ships in Profound Depths of the Ocean” in the Town’s Museum of Jurmala, Jurmala, Latvia.
- 2013. Theater of luminous painting”INNER LIGHT” „E L’ANIMA MIA”, the State Museum of Aluksne. Aluksne, Latvia.
- 2013.Art gallery PLAZA. Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic.
- 2012. Art gallery Grand Hotel PUPP. Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic.
- 2011-2012. Musical-poetical theatrical play ‘And Heaven Opens for The Love…’ Directed according the poem of M.Lermontov
- ‘Demon’. Riga , Latvia
- 2011. Musical-poetical theatrical play ‘And Heaven Opens for The Love…’ Directed according the poem of M.Lermontov ‘Demon’
- 2nd international festival Cultural Dialog’. Trento, Italia.
- 2010. “…And My Soul’- Riga art space. Riga, Latvia.
- 2009. Theater of luminous painting”INNER LIGHT” „E L’ANIMA MIA”, Association France Bays Baltes. Cannes, France.
- 2009.Theater of luminous painting”INNER LIGHT” „E L’ANIMA MIA”, Galleria La Pigna (Vaticano), Unione Cattolica Artisti Italiani, .
- 2009.Vaticano.
- 2009-2010. Theater of luminous pictures”INNER LIGHT” „E L’ANIMA MIA”, Parrocchia di Santa Maria Assunta. A series of exhibitions. Positano, Italia.
- 2009- 2011. Theater of luminous pictures”INNER LIGHT” „E L’ANIMA MIA”. A series of exhibitions. Terracina, Italia.
- 2009. Theater of luminous pictures”INNER LIGHT” „E L’ANIMA MIA”. Palmanova, Italia.
- 2009-2010. Theatre of Luminous paintings ‘INNER LIGHT’ E „L’ANIMA MIA”: Karlovi Vari, Munchen, Shtuttgart, St. Petersburg, – Projekt international. A series of exhibitions.
- 2009.Theater of luminous painting ”INNER LIGHT” „E L’ANIMA MIA”, Cart-Wright of Peter and Paul Fortress, the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia.
- 2008.Theater of luminous paining ”INNER LIGHT”, Museum of the History of Religion, St.Petersburg, Russia.
- 2004-2017. „ Theater of luminous painting ”INNER LIGHT”of Vitaly Yermolajev”. ART Residence „Inner Light”. A series of exhibitions. Jurmala, Latvia.
- 2006. «Music of Silence» , Central ART House. Riga, Latvia.
- 2004. Theater of luminous paining ”INNER LIGHT”, Sloss Horst, Essen, Germany.
- 2003. “The House of the Blackheads”. Riga, Latvia.
- 2003. “Fluorescent Art of V. Yermolayev”,Art Gallery “Natalie Boldyreff. 2003. Paris, France.
- 2002. “Fluorescent Art of V. Yermolayev”, Gallery “Center-M”. Mosсow, Russia.
- 1998-2003. “Fluorescent Art of V. Yermolayev”, Center of Fluorescent Art “Rezidence RP”. A series of exhibitions. Riga, Latvia.
- 2000. “Fluorescent Art”, Gallery Radisson SAS Daugava-Templis. Riga, Latvia.
- 1997. ART Exhibition in TBF-group (Nissan). Riga, Latvia.
- 1997. “10 years by Artist Eyes” Gallery Radisson SAS Daugava-Templis. Riga, Latvia.
- 1997. “Bridge from Consciousness to Subconsciousness”, Pushkin Center, Antverpen, Belgium.
- 1995-1998.ART Gallery “Splendid Palace”. A series of exhibitions. Riga, Latvia.
- 1996.”Gaudi’s Women”, Russian Theater. Tallinn ,Estonia.
- 1992-2013. Gallery “Templis”. A series of exhibitions. Riga, Latvia.
- 1992. “I am You!”, The House of Architectors. Riga, Latvia.
- 2018. ART FAIR Riga-2016, Riga, Latvia.
- 2017. ART FAIR Riga-2016, Riga, Latvia.
- 2016. ART FAIR Riga-2016, Riga, Latvia.
- 2016. Salon Art Shopping au Carrousel du Louvre. Paris, France.
- 2014. Salon du Design –CREA 2014, Nice, France.
- 2012. Russian Art festival in Berlin. Berlin, Germany.
- 2011. ART MONACO-11, Monte-Carlo, Monaco.
- 2008.International Festival of Light and synthetic theaters «LightShade», St.Petersburg, Russia.
- 1989- 2015″International Artdays ” in Latvia, A series of exhibitions .Latvia.
- 2006-2008 “Buvniecibas pasaule -2006-2008” A series of exhibitions. International Exhibition, Olympic center, Riga, Latvia.
- 2006-2008 “THE WORLD OF CONSTRUCTION -2006-2008. International Exhibition, Olympic Center, Riga, Latvia.
- 2005. „The Comfort-2005” ”, International Exhibition Olympic SKONTO hall. Riga, Latvia. .
- 2004. „Kunsthschaufenster fūr Lettland” Sloss Horst, Essen, Germany.
- 2003 “The Autum-2003” Latvian National Art-Museum “Arsenal”.Riga, Latvia
- 2002. “Riga-Expo”, International Exhibition -2002.Mosсow, Russia.
- 2002.„The Comfort-2002”, International Exhibition, Olympic SKONTO hall, Riga, Latvia.
- 1998-2000. Exhibition cycle “Life Energy, 6 exhibitions:
- “Future -2000”, Radisson SAS Daugava-Templis, 1999. Riga, Latvia.
- “Energies of Cosmos”,Gallery Radisson SAS Daugava-Templis. 1998-1999.Riga, Latvia.
- 1998. “Baltars’98”. International Exhibition. Riga, Latvia.
- 1998 .“Energy of Music”, Gallery Radisson SAS Daugava-Templis.Riga, Latvia.
- 1998. “Energy of Spirit ”, Gallery Radisson SAS Daugava-Templis. Riga, Latvia.
- “Energies of Love”,Gallery Radisson SAS Daugava-Templis,. 1998.Riga, Latvia.
- 1997.“Russisch Festival” Hilton,Antverpen, Belgium.
- 1997.„Art – Forum”. Christmas Arts Fair-Auction. Riga, Latvia.
- 1997-1998. Die Welt-Realitat-Traum-durch die Sicht des Kunstlers. Gelsenkirhen –Buer.. Germany.
- 1997.Exhibition of Russian Artist’s Association of Latvija, Riga, Latvia.
- 1996.Exhibition “Diaspora”: Russian Culture Foundation, Riga, Latvia.
- 1995. Exhibition of Portraitpainter:Russian Culture Foundation, Riga, Latvia.
- 1995. “The Autumn Salon”:Russian Culture Foundation, Riga, Latvia.
- 1994. Exhibition of sacral art:St. Piter’s Cathedral, Riga, Latvia.
- 1994. Art festival “Riga – the small Paris”, Riga, , Latvia.
- 1992-2003.Gallery “Templis”, A series of exhibitions. Riga, Latvia,
- 1993-1994. Russian House:Warshaw, Poland.
- 1992.Kremlin Congress Hall. Mosсow, Russia.
- 1991-1998. “Free Art”, Project international. A series of exhibitions: Arnsberg, Welver, Brilon, Soest, Bonn, Belefeld, Gelsenkirhen, Germany.
- 1991. “Art-Myth”,Exhibition Hall “Manezh”, Mosсow, USSR.
- 1991. “Transformation”: gallery “ Ispanol Barrio”, Mosсow, USSR.
- 1991. “Gold Brush”: Central Artist House, Moscow USSR.
- 1991. “Transfiguration” – gallery “The Spanish Quarter”, Moscow, USSR.
- 1989-1991. A series of exhibitions “Free Art”. Riga , USSR.
- Catalog of the exhibition ” ART RIGA FAIR 2018″, 2018. Riga, Latvia.
- Catalog of the exhibition ” ART RIGA FAIR 2017″, 2017. Riga, Latvia.
- Catalog of the exhibition ” ART RIGA FAIR 2016″, 2016. Riga, Latvia. ISBN 978-9934-14-739-5.
- The magazine “Earthly Time” (Journal “Земное время”), 170 pages, 2016, N 2. Riga, Latvia.
- Catalog of the exhibition “… И ДУША МОЯ”,Виталий Ермолаев, 32 pages, 2014. St.Petersburg, Russia.
- Luxury . Real estate, Journal, N 3, 2013. Art Gallery ART Residence INNER LIGHT – Theater of glowing paintings by Vitaly Ermolaev. (Художественная галерея ART Residence INNER LIGHT – Театр светящихся картин Виталия Ермолаева). 2013. Riga, Latvia.
- The path of light is lost and found (Путь света – потерянный и обретенный). Journal “ Business Class” , ( Журнал «Бизнес Класс», 2010, N 3. Riga, Latvia.
- “ Mystery of the light”, Journal “ Business Class” , 2010. Riga, Latvia.
- Catalog of the exhibition “ Senza confine”, 80 pages, 2011. Trento, Italia.
- The catalog “… E L’ANIMA MIA”, 62 pages, 2009. Riga, Latvia.
- The catalog “Виталий Ермолаев. Светоживопись INNER LIGHT”, 50 pages, 2008. St.Petersburg, Russia.
- The catalog “Vitālijs Jermolajevs. Gaismas glezniecība, Luminous painting, Светоживопись “INNER LIGHT”” , 60 pages, 2008. Riga, Latvia.
Temple of inner light (Храм внутреннего света) . The magazine “Happy people” ( журнал «Счастливые люди», 2005, N 28. Riga, Latva. ISSN 1407-9526
Picturesque etudes about the sacraments of the soul. (Живописные этюды о таинствах души) Journal of the “Capitalist”, 2005-03. Riga, Latvia.
What kind of spiritual baggage does Europe bring to us? About our contribution of spiritual values to the human treasury of values. Journal of the “Capitalist”-2004-2005, 12. Riga, Latvia. ( Какой духовный багаж несет нам Европа? О нашем вкладе духовных цeнностей в человеческую копилку).
- In “separately taken space and time”, or a small journey into the world of contemporary art (В «отдельно взятом пространстве и времени»,или Маленькое путешествие в мир современного искусства), Journal of the “Capitalist”, 2004, 9. Riga, Latvia.
- “I’m provoking dreams”- Interview to the magazine “Capitalist”-2004, 10-11. Riga, Latvia. (Я провоцирую мечты», – интервью Виталия Ермолаева журналу «Капиталист»).
- The catalog “George Gershwin – 100”. 30 pages. 1998. Riga, Latvia. ISBN 9984-592-39-1.
- The catalog “Art of diaspora. Paiting, Graphic Art, Sculpture”, 64 pages, 1996. Riga, Latvia.
- Office, Journal, 1997, N 4. Riga, Latvia.
- Office, Journal, 1996, N 12. Riga, Latvia.
- The catalog “Vitalijs Jermolajevs. TEMPLIS galerija”, 1993. Riga, Latvia.
- The catalog “Christmas Auction: All-Russia Fund of Culture”. (Каталог “Рождественский аукцион. Всероссийский фонд культуры”.) 94 pages, 1992. Moscow, Russia.
- Catalog of the exhibition “Transfiguration”. (Каталог выставки ” Преображение”), 1991. Moscow, USSR.